Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bali Building

Bali building information af price and the building quality
If you are looking for a HOUSE in Bali, to live in, to spend your holidays around it, to secure an investment, to rent it out and get some return – Our TEAM assists you in the whole process, from planning to legal paperwork, design and construction.
We offer very reasonable prices: From 20 000 U$ to 80 000 U$ you can have your own home in Bali. Good quality building material, fine craftsmanship, and a western supervisor guaranty for a satisfying result.
We are a team of swiss-german-indonesian partnership, and experienced builders.
We have been building homes for foreigners in Bali, since 1992, in a wide range of models and budgets. From bamboo cottages, to wooden structures , to two-story brick houses, fine Villas, and concrete constructions.
We landscape the garden, according to your taste, and build you a swimming pool. A complete pool with filter system and pumps costs from 8000 to 15000 U$
We assist you in finding the right location. We have several properties to choose from: On the slopes of the mountains, at the beach, in the rainforest regions, or at a strategic location for your business in Bali.
We provide you with secure and proven contracts, that secure your property in Bali, and we connect you with efficient lawyers to process your ownership.

Practical steps to your HOUSE IN BALI
When you are in Bali, we would like to show you houses that we have built in the past, and show you models to choose from. When you are ready to get started on realizing your dream, we do the design of your house, and go over it with you.
We show you possible locations, in case you are looking for the right property. When we start building, you pay the first instalment: 50% of the total.
When the roof is on, and the water pipes are installed inside the house, you pay the second instalment: 30% of the total, and when the house is completed, you pay the final 20%.
The building process is documented to you by email or Fax, so you can see the stages of development. Then we have an appointment with one of our local attorneys: you sign the papers that entitle you to own the house, and get the keys to your home.
The building process takes, according to the size of your home, from 4 to 8 months. The payments are made in Euro or U$, and paid directly to the builder, or transferred through the Bank Internasional Indonesia, or to the account of our notary. For maintaining your property, calculate with these monthly fees:
$ 30.00 Legal fees,
$ 60.00 For gardener, cleaning service
$ 30.00 For electricity and water

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Bali Museums

Bali Museums Guide
This is Everything you need to know about Bali's Museums
Most of Bali's museums and galleries are centred in Ubud, but culture and history rich Bali is peppered with museums and galleries - all individually interesting! These museums and galleries offer paintings, wood carvings, textiles and all kinds of souvenirs for viewing and also purchase.
The Museum Puri Lukisan in centre of Ubud, the Neka Museum in Campuhan, Seniwati Gallery and Agung Rai Museum in Pengosekan are a must, to see the difference between creative art and more commercial products.
Central Bali
Museum Puri Lukisan, Ubud
Founded by Rudolf Bonnet and Cokorda Gde Agung Sukawati, Ubud's Museum Puri Lukisan houses a permanent collection of Balinese painting from the turn of the century; displaying fine examples off all schools of Balinese art. This museum has a collection of 150 painting and 62 pieces of sculptures. The first fine arts museum in Bali, it has a valuable aim of culturing Bali's very aesthetic art and culture for its next generation.
Museum Neka, Ubud
The superb Neka Museum, in Campuan, is another excellent museum, with marvelous collections of traditional Balinese paintings by local artists and foreign artists who lived in Bali; and items of modern Balinese art. The museum stores art from the Kamasan style of the 16th century to modern 20th century paintings. The whole collection is displayed chronologically, to provide an overview of Bali's history of fine arts.

The Neka Gallery on Jalan Raya , and the Agung Rai Gallery in Peliatan are some of Bali's largest and most important.
Museum Nyoman, Ubud
This three storey museum in Mas village follows the conception of Tri Angga, that is, the three parts of human body; head, body, and legs. The museum's art collection is a mix of works of painters from the olden days of the ancient Klungkung Kingdom to this very day.
Museum Agung Rai, Ubud

Sprawling all over six hectares, the Museum Agung Rai was built based on the concept of a "living museum". It displays paintings and holds stage presentations for various art forms; and is a place for karawitan. It comes complete with an arts library and book gallery, hotel, restaurant, cafe, and coffee shop. One of the museums main specialty is its terrific views of Ubud, with rice fields and trenches integrated into part of the museum.
Seniwati Gallery of Art by Women

This gallery was established in 1991 by Mary Northmore, the very personable wife of famous painter Abdul Azis; with the aim of helping Balinese women to be accepted as artists; and also to expose the long hidden and unrecognised brilliance of women artists in Bali. The gallery also serves to motivate, train and encourage young talented Balinese girls achieve their full potential in the world of arts.
Southern Bali
Museum Negeri Propinsi Bali, Denpasar
This museum in Denpasar was founded by the Yayasan Bali Museum in December 8, 1932. It has interesting exhibits of traditional tools, crafts, masks and costumes from all over Bali; and displays archaeological items and a collection of ethnographical exhibits.
Museum Le Mayeur, Sanur
This memorial museum immortalizes the memory and enduring love of a pair of lovers - Le Mayeur and Ni Polok. All displays and exhibits are from the collection of Le Mayeur's paintings.
Museum Manusa Yadnya, Taman Ayun
Just as its name implies, the Museum Manusa Yadnya details items regarding the process of a human's life from the womb to the tomb.
Northern Bali
Museum Gedong Kirtya, Singaraja
This wonderful museum in Singaraja is a display of thousands of ancient Balinese letters in chronological order; the kakawin, or old Balinese poetry; and the geguritan which written on the palm leaf. All these and more are stored in the original building that was built in 1928 and still standing tall today.
Western Bali
Museum Subak, Tabanan
Tabanan is a region popularly known as Bali's 'rice warehouse'. Hence, it is no surprise to learn that Tabanan is home to the Subak Museum, which houses a vast collection of, what else, but agricultural items. An interesting display to take note of is Bali's typical watering system, called Subak, the museum's namesake.
Museum Gedong Area, Gianyar
Located in the Bedulu Village, this museum's collection is dedicated to archaeological items reflecting the history of Bali's cultural development.
Eastern Bali
Museum Seni Lukis Klasik, Klungkung
This museum is owned by the talented Nyoman Gunarsa, and is used as an outlet by the man himself to exhibit his masterpieces, completing the museum's collection, which documents the classical paintings of Bali. The Museum Seni Lukis Klasik is located in the village of Banda village.
Museum Manusia Purba, Gilimanuk
The Museum Manusia Purba, at the western end of Bali, was established in 1990s. It all began with an archaeological expedition of Dukuh Cekik in 1962, by R.P. Soejoeno from the Bali Archaeological Service. The expedition estimated that approximately 2,000 years ago, the stone age man dwelled on the site of the museum.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Bali Culture

More about bali
bali culture is a combination of spirituality, religion, tradition and art. Religion is considered to be art and it seems that almost every on it is a devoted artist, spending 'free time' applying skills and images which have been passed down from generation to generation and grasped from a very young age. Expressed through beautiful and intricate paintings, extraordinary carvings, superb weaving, and even in rice decorations that cover the myriad shrines found in public areas, in paddy fields or in homes, the island is alive with art and religious homage.
Sekala and Niskala

Bali culture is a complex event characterised by diversity and adaptability. A central dictum in Balinese thinking is the concept of Desa - Kala - Patra, (time, place and situation), a dynamic notion holding that traditional thinking will blend in harmony with the new. The Balinese distinguish between Sekala, the material, and Niskala the eternal. Reality is a coincidence of the material and the eternal realms. One does not exist without the other. The world, therefore, is the product of the interaction of Sekala and Niskala.
Temple Festivals

Temple festivals are commonplace. Each village will hold some sort of colourful ceremony for each one of its own temples a couple of times a year. Add to this the rituals and celebrations for each persons' passage from birth, puberty, marriage, childbirth to death and the after-world, and include the major island-wide celebrations like Galungan, Kuningan and Nyepi; the day of silence when the whole island closes down in fear of evil spirits flying in from the sea, and you can begin to understand how important religion in Bali is.
Hindu Dharma

Art, culture and day to day activities for most Balinese are strongly bonded to a unique form of Hinduism called Hindu Dharma, which is widely thought to be the closest example to the religion and social framework that existed in Java during the zenith of its power and is now found nowhere else. Classical dance dramas based on the old Hindu epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabarata which arrived from Java, are like everywhere else in Indonesia, mixed with pre-Hindu animist belief and peculiar local folklore. Not all Balinese adopted the new Hindu religion though. The Bali Aga who now live in isolated groups in the mountains at Trunyan and Tenganan, for example, preferred their ancient animist beliefs, which are still practiced and remain largely intact today.
Balinese belief systems

The very soul of Bali and Balinese belief systems is rooted in religion and is expressed in art forms and skills that have been passionately preserved over the centuries. During the mid sixteenth century Bali reached a cultural climax, which encouraged and developed elaborate arts and customs, which are the foundations of what is practiced today. In a sense they have changed very little since that time, but as has been the case throughout much of the Indonesian archipelago, adaptation of new environments is absolutely essential for survival. It was at this time that the Javanese Hindu and the Balinese calendars were combined and a complex schedule of rituals and ceremonies was defined. Nine great temples, the Pura Agung, were also built, linking the structure of the new calendar with that of the gods. The most sacred being the Mother Temple, Pura Besakih, built high on the slopes of Bali 's most sacred mountain, Gunung Agung and batur mountain.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Alas Kedaton ( Bali Monkey Forest )

The monkey place in Alas Kedaton is a small forest with the width about 6-7ha located in the middle of the rice field in Tabanan regency, west part of Bali. The total size of this forest, temple and its supporter facility is about 12 ha. In this forest, there is a temple called Alas Kedaton Temple and owns the natural environments that is looked green with its fresh air and create the calm, quite and holy atmosphere. The monkeys in Alas Kedaton are very tame and free gallivanting in temple yard, so that the calm atmosphere is sometime solved by noise voice of the monkey, which are playing around and scrambling of food. The monkeys who dwell in this forest, there are jump up and down in temple wall, take a bath in moat or there is also hang out in few leaves representing impression view. The monkey like as custodian of temple, which are always ready to greet all visitor who are paying a visit to this place. Beside monkeys, in Kedaton forest also can be met the bats and some other animals. At least 24 types of grove plant have been identified in Alas Kedaton.

The temple ceremony in alas Kedaton temple is carried out every 210 days a year. It is on Anggarakasih Medangsia (Balinese Hindu Calendar) or on every Tuesday where on that time the society do the worship or pray to request the safety and prosperity. The unique in this ceremony is do not use the fire and do not hence Penjor and also finished before the sunset or before the night is come.

In growth of handling of this tourist destination, Alas Kedaton has several become a training location about tourism nature, environmental handling and agro tourism. Alas Kedaton is many visited by the tourist from local and foreign countries which are generally a lot of paying a visit on August, December until January, while the local tourist generally pay a visit on holiday season and feast day of Ramadan (Moslem holiday) and this place is good to be visited in the day time. In front of Alas Kedaton temple there are quite a lot small shops selling the handicraft as souvenir, for example clothes, pants and other handicrafts. Others, there are some shops booth selling food and beverage, toilet and park area which is wide enough.

Alas Kedaton is Place to Visit in Bali
Alas Kedaton is located in Kukuh countryside, Marga Sub district, Tabanan Regency . The journey go to this place can be done easily by using motor vehicle follow the major roadway from Denpasar to Tabanan. On the way go to this tourist place, we will see the beautiful nature view where in front of us will meet the carpet of rice field and irrigation voice at the side of road to bear the impression/peaceful atmosphere. Alas Kedaton Temple have three yard that are external yard, middle and center yard. In the center and middle yard are encircled by wall and the outside yard is representing a open yard. The interesting point of this temple is the inside yard representing holy yard, its situation lower than the middle yard. This thing is different compare with the general temples in Bali that are more goes to inside the temple, the more higher the place will be. Beside of that another interesting point of this temple owns four entrances.

Monday, November 9, 2009

About balinese

The balinese with smaller islands such as Nusa Penida, Lembongan, Ceningan, and Menjangan covers an area of 5.808,6 square kilometers, with number of population around 4 millions. Almost 95% of the population are Hindu devotees with markedly local traditional rituals. The island is classified one of the densely populated areas of Indonesia. Balinese physically is not different from other people of west Indonesia where Mongoloid character is predominant over Malay characters, only a few people bring the characters of true Malay with small body size and brown skin. In general skin color are ranging from bright to brown, but dark brown is very rare, and very few with curling hairs, mostly straight hairs, with the average height of the body in the past 160 cm, and now around 170 cm. Especially younger generation tend to grow higher by slim body.
Balinese speak Balinese, a dialect of Malay. Due to cast system Balinese dialect itself underwent further variation, as each cast claimed to have their own idiolect which is higher in conjunction with their own cast status. Balinese and Yogyakarta have much in common words only they used the words in different meaning or sometimes in contradictory meaning. Beside Javanese Balinese is one society which has introduced writing since 998 AD. This writing scripts which are supposed to undergone evolution and have now become variations of writing such as in Myanmar, Thailand, Java and Bali. So the art of writing has developed very early both in Java and Bali. Currently Balinese writing is learnt in school and there is an effort to preserve the heritage, since Bali is rich with writing heritages in the form of ethics, stories, myths, songs, chronicles and historical documents written in various style of Bali nese scripts. Historic monuments are also various in Bali, some are originated from 10th century, and these sites are still preserved by local people, and associated to their religious rituals.
With the economic advancement reached by Bali for the last 2 decades it has invited many people from other parts of Indonesia and from the 5 continents to try their luck in Bali. This is now the biggest social problem that can arise in the future due to the limited land. With this situation, Bali has become part of Global world and put Balinese in a dilemmatic position between developing lifestyle as an impact of outside world and their original customary life style has become an object of unending exploitation, as it's very nature giving chance to such a behavior.

Balinese introduce social organization based on area and obligations to preserve and maintain temples and it's rituals. This fact has been able to keep the integrity and security in Bali, but on other space has dragged this organization into unnecessary ritualistic nature. This organization is called " Banjar " This Banjar is the center of power currently when kingdoms and hegemony of traditional ruling class has been changed by the role of economic and expertise groups.

In a wider group, Balinese is tied again by genealogical lineage to maintain clen's temples and as Bali wide they also feel obliged to maintain and preserve temples built by the king in the past such as Besakih, Uluwatu, Tanah Lot, Ulun Danu, Sila Yukti, Gelgel, and many others.
Basic economic activities in Bali is growing rice, coffee, cacao, juices, corn, cassava, and various cereals and vegetables. Home industry is developed very fast such as garment, irons, furniture, ceramics, terracotta, and carving, beside ethnic handicrafts. Balinese art-skill got a place when Bali developed tourism. Tourism development has given multi-flier effect on industries and farming in Bali.
Specially in agriculture Balinese has developed a systematic organization to regulate the irrigation system. This organization has been successful in maintaining the continuity and equality of water supplier for every member, beside maintain the water flowing facilities.
Cattle breeding and poultry growing are already developed for local consumption as well as export to other countries such as pigs and cows. Also fishery development especially shrimps and fish has just been able to fulfill the local demand. Still a great space to develop this products specially fisheries.

Bali has the most varied places of interest for tourists, from western tip to the eastern tip of the island, both in the form of cultural and natural attractions.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bali Professional Photographer

Introducing, my name is yoga,and my job is photograph......
Wide photography is the one company of bali professional photographer based in bali has experienced with wedding and pre wedding photography, we are provide photography services for pre wedding and wedding photography, candid photography, fashion and model photography, interior and exterior photography, product and still life photography, sport photography and documentation every events.

We are funny bali photographers enjoy capturing every moment fast and perfectly, team work and professional, we always accept every idea and conceptual to creation art of photography. Therefore we can do that both of photography as natural like and digital imaging photography by our Bali Professional Photographer and Photo Editor. Every event we give two professional bali photographer, they are one using tele lens and the other use wide lens for capture every moment. Our photographer has experienced with kind of photography. We provide translator for client from China and Taiwan for whole day photography tour with logic price

Now, we give for free photo slide show in DVD format with animation and romantic songs back ground for our clients. We have nice digital album printing and cute album layout too if our client need their photos to show on digital album.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Processor 100 core or Multi-Core By Tilera

SAN JOSE, KOMPAS.com - Intel and AMD will face new competitors in the processor business. No kidding, the competitors, Tilera based in San Jose, California, USA This will release up to 100 processor cores, rather than dual core, triple core, or quadcore.

TILE processor family-GX consists of four types of processors with 16 cores, 36 cores, 64 cores, and 100 cores. These processors are claimed the most powerful moment of multicore processors on the PC because of the general performance of a processor is proportional to the number of its core.

Also claimed Tilera TILE-GX has a value of performance per watt up to ten times the ability of future generations of Intel chips Westmere. Tilera processor design was developed based on multicore technology-based development environment Imesh two-dimensional interconnect that eliminates need for on-chip bus and Dynamic Distributed Cache technology system that allows every local cache on each core can be shared by all cores.

Although designed Tilera, TILE-GX is made with 40 nanometer process technology, TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Company Manufacturign). This processor works at 1.5 GHz with power consumption of 10-55 watts. The price still has not been announced and is planned to release processors fourth quarter of 2010.

Source: http://id.news.yahoo.com

Monday, November 2, 2009

Visiting bali

On a recent trip to East Bali, it occurred to me that if s person arrived in Bali with a day pack, containing a couple of shirt, shorts, pants, hat and not much else, they could let go of the worry about luggage and valuables. It also occurred to me, that is a person took a Perama bus out to East Bali, got dropped off and found a place they liked, things would happen for them. One place I visited this last time was Pasir Putih, the white sand beach in Perasi, just past Candi Dasa. If you showed up, chatted with locals and asked if anyone had a room for rent, you'd find somewhere no doubt at all.

Imagine the experiences you have after a month, hanging out with Balinese locals in Bali! The day times would be learning about their daily life and routine, plus exploring the lesser known areas. If your hosts were fishermen, you'd be able to tag along and experience how a Balinese fisherman actually operates. Local ceremonies would no doubt come along which you'd be invited to. Evenings would be a mixture of traditional village life, combining with elements of the 21st Century (motorbikes, TV, etc). The cost for your month would probably be amazingly low, considering in many remote places its all local shops and warungs.

How possible is this kind of experience? Its all possible, you've just got to ask for it. I have had situations just like this in many countries in the world, while travelling, hitch hiking etc. Now your guide book / travel agent isn't going to sell you this kind of experience for 2 reasons; 1) They can't make this kind of things happen, 2) there's no money it for them. This is actually great news for travelers, since where travel agents and guidebooks don't go, you will find the best experiences.

So for an awesome Bali adventure, leave your possessions at home, bring a small bag and a sense of adventure. That's my tip for visiting Bali.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Around Of Tanah Lot Beach

Sunset is the best time to visit this isolated temple on the west coast. Its distinctive silhouette is a photographer's dream and nightly they crowd the coastline awaiting the spectacle. Perhaps the answer is to arrive in the daytime to see the temple avoiding the crowds and to leave long after sunset. As in Besakih, and in Goa Lawah, commerce has spoilt much of this otherwise beautiful spot.

Location: Arround Of Tanah Lot Beach

Treat women well

A story written by Daniel Iswahyudi andriewongso.com website for our worth reading. Very inspiring, here is the source of the article penuturannya appropriate.

A friend once told me, that what we do to others, perhaps we will soon forget, but we unknowingly will imprint in the hearts of others.

This happened in the Trans-Atlantic flight on October 14, 1998. A woman sitting next to a black man. The woman appears uneasy, ask a flight attendant to find another empty seat, because he did not want to sit next to someone who was fun.

The stewardess said that the plane was full, but he will try to see if there are empty seats in first class. All the other passengers noticed it was surprised and upset. Not only because she was being rude and outrageous, but that she might be moved to first class.

The man who sat beside her feel very uncomfortable seeing it all, but enough to control myself and not react. The atmosphere in the cabin was full of tension. While the woman was satisfied, because the feeling will be moved to first-class cabin, away from the passenger next to him unpleasant.

A few minutes later the stewardess came back and told the woman:

"Sorry, bu. All the seats on this flight really full. Luckily I found a seat in the cabin dosong class. But it needs a little time, because to make changes so I had to get permission from the captain of the aircraft. He said that we should not force people to sit next to someone who was pleasant and ordered me to make changes immediately. "

Other passengers could not believe what they heard and the woman with a look of triumph on his face, getting ready to leave the seat up.

Then the flight attendant had turned to the black man in the passenger and the woman said: "Sir ... Will you join me for a moment be bothered to move to a first-class cabin? On behalf of this flight, the captain had given apologies seat next to someone who is less fun. "

And all the passengers in kabinpun applauded. They stood up to give awards to the solution of such sikon crew performed very well

That year, the captain and pramugarinya received awards for their actions on the flight. In this connection, the company realized they had to prioritize adequate training to their employees. Penerbanganpun company immediately to make changes! Since the event was, in all their offices and in the display clearly visible to all, posted the following article:

People may forget what you say to them.
People may forget what you do with them.
But they will never forget the impression that you leave in their hearts.

So it is true what the wise man once said: "Everything that you want so that people do to you, do ye even so to them." If we want respect, then respect others. If we want to be loved, love someone else. If we want to always accept the good, then treat others well.

Others that could mean the people around us: Wife, husband, children, parents, boss, subordinate, relations, or even an Office Boy, and our servants.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ubud festival for writers, readers begins

More than 80 writers from 23 countries will again bring their inspiring ideas and voices to the annual Ubud Writers and Readers Festival, to be officially opened at the Ubud Royal Palace.

The opening, with Balinese art and cultural performances, will mark the beginning of the four-day literary fiesta, to be attended by Nobel laureates and international literary figures.

Janet De Neefe, the festival founder and director, said this year’s theme is based on the Balinese Hindu words suka duka, meaning compassion and solidarity.

This deep philosophy will become the main theme of all panels, debates, book launches and other literary activities that will certainly produce thought-provoking discussions,” De Neefe said.

Located around 40 kilometers north of Denpasar, the hilly and cool Ubud has long been a haven for local and international artists.

The festival is about connecting communities and celebrating ideas among cultures, de Neefe said.

The four-day event, running from Oct. 7 through Oct. 11, will include discussions, book launches, international publishing forums and writing and editing workshops.

A highlight of the festival is the International Publishing Forum, making its second appearance this year, to be hosted by the Indonesian Publishers Association (IKAPI) together with the Lontar Foundation and the Association of Indonesian Translators.

Noted authors at this year’s festival include journalist and writer Fatima Bhutto, the niece of the late Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto. Her book, A History of Bhutto will be published next year.

Another is Riaz Hassan of Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, who wrote Inside Muslim Minds.

Other award-winning authors to attend include Jamie James, LLyod Jones from New Zealand and Hari Kunzu from the United Kingdom.

Veteran Indonesian authors include NH Dini and several flourishing young writers.

Book launches will include Left Unsaid by Margo O’Byrne and The Forgotten Massacre by Peer Holm Jorgensen, which gives a different view of the darkest periods in Indonesian history.

On the long list of writers attending the festival is also Thant Myint-U of Myanmar, the author of The River of Lost Footsteps, A Personal History of Burma.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Meaning Galungan and Kuningan

According to the meaning of the language, it means war Galungan. In Sundanese there Galungan word that means war.

Hindu Dharma Parisadha concluded, that the ceremony Galungan Pawedalan means universal or Oton Gumi. Does not mean that Gumi / Universe was born on the day of Buddha Keliwon Dungulan. But the day was set for Hindus in Bali to offer college suksemaning idepnya before Ida Sang Hyang Widhi the creation of the world and everything in it. On the day that the people grateful for the gift of Ida Trance Wasa Widhi who has been pleased to create everything in this world.

In a series of warnings Galungan, since we Redite Pahing Dungulan visited by Kala-tiganing Galungan. Sang Sang Kala Tiga Bhuta is Galungan, Sang Sang Bhuta Bhuta Dungulan and Amangkurat. Mentioned in the literature-literature that: they are a symbol of self-centered (keletehan). So in this case the people of war, not against enemies of the physical shape, but when keletehan and adharma. Struggling, fighting between the dharma to beat adharma. Judging by the names, presumably it can be interpreted as follows:

1. The Bhuta Galungan.
Galungan means war / battle. Based on this, should we mean that on the day we Redite Pahing Dungulan bhuta new arrivals (when) the attack (we had just been attacked).

2. The Bhuta Dungulan.
He visited us on the day Pon Dungulan Soma next day. The word means bow Dungulan / beat.

3. The Bhuta Amangkurat
Wage Anggara Dungulan day we dijelang by the Bhuta Amangkurat. Amangkurat equal to rule the world. Intended major world domination (Bhuwana Great), and the small world is our own bodies (Bhuwana Alit).

In short, our first attacked, then lowered, and finally mastered. This is what will happen, really keletehan will dominate us, if we passively to these attacks. In this context Sundari-Gama taught that in these days people jnana anjekung den prayitna Nirmala, lamakane den kasurupan. Let the people take courage not to be affected by bhuta-bhuta (keletehan-keletehan) the heart. This is the essence of Abhya-Kala (mabiakala) and metetebasan done on the Penampahan day.

On the day Wuku Saniscara Keliwon Brass (Tumpek holidays or Brass), Ida Widhi Trance of the Gods and Pitara-pitara down again to earth to bestow gifts of these basic needs.

On the day it is made of yellow rice, a symbol of prosperity and dihaturkan offerings, offerings of thanks and eyelash suksmaning we as human beings (people) receive the gift of Hyang Widhi of clothing materials and food are all delegated by him to his people on the basis of love - love. In the tebog or selanggi containing yellow rice is planted a puppet-wayangan (angels) who bestow grace on us all prosperity.

Thus briefly details in celebrating Galungan and Kuningan in the implementation of the inner aspect. Adapun kesimpulan dari makna Hari Raya Galungan dan Kuningan:

- In a welcome and celebrate the feast days were, cheer up grace Hyang Widhi within the limits of religious ethics and national concern.
- Explain the liver, in order to become Cura, Dira and Deraka (brave, strong and sturdy), in the face of life in the world.
- Save and use the simplest of the cost.
- Last and most important is that even beg Hyang Widhi grace with sincerity.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Nusa Dua & Tanjung Benoa & the Bukit (Southern peninsula)

Bali's southern peninsula is where you find today most of the island's international 4- and 5-star Bali Hotels and Resorts - set in Nusa Dua's manicured and not very Balinese garden environment. Nice beach with shallow water, no high waves. All kinds of water sports, 18-hole golf course. Nusa Dua Galleria center with a variety of rather expensive restaurants, shops, and department stores. Some more reasonably priced restaurants are located in adjacent Tanjung Benoa and Bualu village. No night life to speak of. About 12 km/7.5 miles from the airport.
An increasing number of private villas is being built on the Bukit, the hill South of the airport. Many of these offer spectacular views of the sea, Kuta, Denpasar, Sanur and Bali's mountains. The climate is much cooler and much more dry – even if it rains in most parts of Bali you can expect sunny days here.
Recommended Accommodation: Aston Bali Resort 5*, Ayodya Resort 5*, Grand Mirage Resort 5*, Inna Putri Bali 5*, Nikko Bali Hotel 5*, The Bale 4*, St. Regis Bali Resort 5*, and an increasing number of beautiful, fully staffed Private Villas.

Jimbaran Beach (West coast, South of the airport)
Probably Bali's best beach with decent hotels and accommodation: nearly white sand, waves not too high for swimming, wind surfing, and sailing (no motorized water sports activities); not too many tourists, and no beach vendors (yet). A few up-market hotels and resorts, and a fast increasing number of unpretentious but good seafood restaurants right on the water front. Highly recommended for watching Bali's famous sunsets. Located just a few miles south of the airport.
Recommended Accommodation: Bali Inter-Continental Resort 5*, Four Seasons Resort 5*, Ritz Carlton 5*, Bvlgari Bali 5*,

Tuban, Kuta (West coast, North of the airport)
An increasingly busy area with many hotels and resorts of all categories right on or near the beach (powerful waves, strong currents). Many restaurants and shops along the main road. Located between Kuta and Bali's international airport.
Recommended Accommodation: Discovery Kartika Plaza 5*, Ramada Bintang Bali 5*.

Kuta Beach & Legian (West coast, South Bali)
Crowded beach (many vendors, masseuses, beach boys, etc, high waves, strong currents) lined by numerous hotels and resorts, mostly in the 2- to 4-star categories. In early 2000 the beach road from the Hard Rock Resort to the Bali Intan Hotel has been extended to the "DOUBLE SIX" disco, and many hotels such as the Legian Beach, Bali Mandira, Bali Padma, Jayakarta Hotel and others have lost their direct beach access and a large part of their garden.
Kuta and Legian (grown into one township during the past decade and spreading further north every month) are the centers of Bali's night life with a great number of restaurants, pubs, open bars, discos, and all kinds of super markets, department stores, and shops selling casual wear and beach fashions, antiques, handicrafts and souvenirs. Daily traffic jams and many, sometimes quite insistent hawkers have made this very untypical and rather ugly part of Bali a nightmare for many visitors.
Recommended if you are looking for action, excitement, or just for a night out, but certainly not for a family vacation or romantic honeymoon.
Recommended Accommodation: Bali Padma Hotel 5*, Hard Rock 5*, Inna Kuta Beach 4*, Mercure Bali 4*.

Seminyak to Batubelig and Tanah Lot (West coast, South Bali)
Until recently this used to be a rather rural, mostly residential area, stretching a few miles north from Legian. Good, off-white, sandy beach with powerful waves and some strong currents, and getting less crowded the further you move to the North. Fast increasing number of hotels and villas, good but reasonably priced restaurants and Bali's most interesting pubs and discos as well as shops selling casual wear, furniture, antiques, decorative items and handicrafts.
Recommended for visitors who wish to be somewhat away from the tourist crowds but appreciate easy access to the restaurants and shops of Seminyak, Legian, and Kuta. Access to other parts of the island is equally good as you don't have to pass through crowded Kuta. Between Seminyak and Batubelig, and in the beautiful, still rural area stretching further North to Canggu and up to Tanah Lot you'll also find some of Bali's most attractive vacation villas.
Recommended Accommodation: Resor Seminyak 5*, Sofitel Seminyak 5*, The Legian 5*, The Samaya Bali, The Oberoi 5*, Le Meridien 5*, and a good choice of fully staffed Private Vacation Villas.

Sanur Beach (East coast, South Bali)
This is where you'd find 25 years ago all of Bali's international standard hotels although the beach was never outstanding. Today the beach has further deteriorated, and Sanur has become rather quiet compared to Kuta and Nusa Dua but is still popular with old-time visitors and some foreign residents.
Recommended Accommodation: Bali Hyatt 5*, Inna Grand Bali Beach 5*, Inna Shindu Beach 3*, Sanur Paradise Plaza 4*, and some Private Vacation Villas.

Ubud and Surroundings, Central Bali
The town of Ubud is to Bali what Jogyakarta is to Java - culturally speaking. Ubud is where most accomplished painters, dancers, musicians, carvers and weavers live and work, and there are a number of very good museums and art galleries. Because of its location at the base of the mountains (about 19 miles or 30 kilometers north of Denpasar) temperatures are slightly lower than in the lowlands, and year-round rain showers help to grow lush tropical vegetation.
The town itself has developed rapidly during the past decade, and today the main roads are lined with art shops, handicraft and souvenir shops, as well as many restaurants and cafes. Until late afternoon tourist groups and other day-visitors are roaming shops and eateries. After sunset, Ubud becomes more quiet.
Accommodation ranges from very cheap, very basic "losmens", quite expensive but equally basic "losmens", to some of Bali's best-known and most expensive boutique hotels and beautiful private villas. Most of these are located in Sayan a few miles away overlooking the picturesque Ayung river valley.
Recommended Accommodation: Alila Ubud 4*, Four Seasons Sayan 5*, Kori Ubud Resort & Spa 1*, The Viceroy Bali, and a few very attractive Private Vacation Villas.

Candidasa & Lovina, East & North Bali
These two tourist centers in the East and North of Bali have become popular meeting places for all those visitors wanting to get away from the tourists. Both offer a number of often quite simple but adequate hotels and restaurants. Beaches around Candi Dasa, however, have kind of disappeared during the last decade after most coral reefs in the area were destroyed, and many visitors do not like the black sand covering most beaches in the North of Bali.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Balinese Festivals

Being in Bali lets you experience the endless series of offerings, purification, processions, dances, and dozens of other religious rites that Balinese devote their lives to. They believe that life on earth is one stage in the continuity of existence. The cycle begins at birth and it is a cherished event. The umbilical cord is preserved and kept for life, and the birth is attended by the entire family and a holy man who invokes spiritual powers to aid the delivery. Death is merely a rite of passage when the soul is freed. It will commence its great journey before being reborn into a future generation.

There is a myriad of festivals in Bali. Some are dedicated to the art of woodcarving, the birth of a goddess, and percussion instruments. Other festivals include temple festivals, fasting & retreat ceremonies, parades to the sea to cleanse villages, special prayers for the dead, nights of penance (sivaratri), harvest festivals (usaba), blood sacrifices, and house deity anniversaries (odalan sangguh).

Religious Festivals

Religious festivals include odalan, which signifies the anniversary of a temple's founding. These festivals last a couple of days to a week. Temples are beautifully bedecked with flowers, palm leaves, flags and bamboo towers, complete with noisy parades, food offerings, and prayers that add religious fervor to the festive ambience.

Melasti, another religiously inclined festival, is a purification festival held the day before Nyepi. On Melasti, villagers will dress in their finest and make their way to the sea or holy springs. They would carry umbrellas, offerings or flowers, and fruit and sacred statues. The statues are affectionately washed with water, and pigs would be sacrificed by holy men as offerings to their gods. This festival must be carried out amid the din of gamelan and drums and lots of merry shouting. All must then fall silent the following day on Nyepi.

Bali Religious FestivalsNyepi is a festival that marks the beginning of a new lunar year and usually falls during the spring equinox (late March or early April). On this day, everyone in Bali including tourists must remain silent. No one is allowed to work, travel or partake in any indulgences. Visitors are advised to observe this custom and to stay within their lodgings for the day. It may seem like a day is wasted, but the previous night's festivities would have sapped substantial energy and spirit to make up for the day of stillness. It is believed that evil spirits will leave the island, thinking that the place is uninhabited due to the complete stillness.

Galungan is another festival related to religion. It is observed in the eleventh week of the 210th day in the Balinese calendar and celebrates the creation of our world. Bali's most significant annual event, locals will spend the day visiting family, friends and neighbors decked in their finest and indulge in heavy feasting.

Ten days after Galungan is Kuningan. This festival commemorates the end of the holiday season. On this occasion, ancestors are worshipped and honored with celebrations held at the water temple Tampaksiring, along with other events at Bangli and Ubud.

The restoration of balance between good and evil is also commemorated. Eka Dasa Rudra is the island's most important festival and is originally held every hundred years. It is now being revised to hold the festival more frequently and the next one is yet to be announced.

Non-Religious Festivals and Holidays

If you are in Bali between July and October, you will have the opportunity to experience the Negara bull races. The pampered bulls are spruced up with accessories, hitched in pairs to makeshift chariots, and steered by jockeys who combine their riding skills and tail twisting to induce maximum performance.

Then there is also the rice harvest festival, which is dedicated to the rice god Dewi Sri. This is a blessed season for the villages and the entire place will be repainted and decorated with flags. An atmosphere of happiness pervades. Small straw rice-god dolls are placed throughout the fields and villages as a tribute.Bali Holidays

Indonesia's Independence Day falls on August 17, when the Republic of Indonesia achieved independence from the Dutch.

Balinese ceremonies are normally held during late afternoons or evenings when the day is cooler. They also hold firm to the belief that the island is owned by the supreme god Sanghyang Widhi, and has been handed down to the Balinese in sacred trust. To show their appreciation, the people fill their waking hours with symbolic activities and worship. If you see a procession of women garbed in traditional wear, carrying small bowls or balancing towering offerings on their heads, or a group of batik-clad men with headcloths, just put on a shirt, grab your camera and mingle with the crowd - you will always be

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bali Culture ( Big day of balinese )


Nyepi Day is celebrated every year New Caka (Caka turn of the year). Ie on the day Tilem Kesanga (IX) which is the day pesucian Gods in the central core of the ocean that brings living water Sarining (Tirtha Amertha Kamandalu). To the Hindu holy worship of these gods.

The main purpose of Nyepi is pleading kehadapan God Almighty, to purify Bhuwana Alit (human nature) and Bhuwana Great (the universe). Circuit Nyepi celebrations are as follows:

1. Tawur (Pecaruan), Pengrupukan, and Melasti.

The day before Nyepi, namely the "ping 14 Sasih panglong Kesanga" Hindus Yadnya Butha ceremony at a traffic and environment of each house, by taking salahg one of the types of "caru" according to his ability. Bhuta Yadnya respectively named; Panca Sata (small), Panca Kinsman (was), and Tawur Great (large).

Tawur or pecaruan itself a purification / pemarisudha Bhuta Kala, and all 'leteh' (dirty), hopefully everything vanished.

Caru conducted in each house consists of; foreign rice color (five colors) amounted to 9 duel / package, side dishes chicken brumbun (colored) tetabuhan with wine / wine. Yadnya Bhuta is addressed to the King Bhuta, Bhuta Kala Kala and Lord, by pleading that they do not disturb people.

Mecaru After the ceremony continued with pengerupukan, namely: spread-spread Tawur rice, torch-obori house and all the yard, house and yard menyemburi with mesui, and objects hitting anything (usually wide band) to quiet noisy / rowdy. This stage is to expel the Bhuta Kala from the home environment, yards, and environment.

Particularly in Bali, at this pengrupukan usually enlivened by a parade of ogoh-ogoh Bhuta Kala is a manifestation of being paraded around the neighborhood, and then burned. The goal at the Bhuta Kala expelled from the surrounding environment.

Then performed the sweep all Melasti leteh (gross) into the ocean, and purify "pretima". Done at sea, because the sea (ocean) is considered as a source Amertha Tirtha (Dewa Ruci, and Pemuteran Mandaragiri). No later than the Tilem afternoon, pelelastian done.

2. Nyepi

Keesoka day, ie on "panglong ping 15" (Tilem Kesanga), it was Hari Raya Nyepi. On this day done fast / peberatan Nyepi called Chess Beratha Penyepian and consists of; observed geni (no berapi-api/tidak use and / or the fire), observed the work (not working), observed lelungan (not traveling), and observe lelanguan (do not listen to entertainment). This Beratha done since before sunrise.

According to the Hindus, all the things that are transitional, always preceded by a dark omen. For example a baby who will move into the children (1 oton / 6 months), the symbol is realized with 'matekep guwungan' (closed Sangkat chicken). Women who move from childhood to adult (Ngeraja Sewala), the ceremony was preceded by ngekep (dipingit).

So for the new period, followed by a new birth, which really began with a new page white. To start life in Caka / barupun years, this base is used, so there is time geni observed.

What is more important than than the symbol-a symbol of birth was (observed geni), according to Gama is Lontar Sundari memutihbersihkan heartstrings, and it is a must for Hindus.

Each of the men of knowledge (the wruhing tatwa dnjana) conduct; Bharata (curbing the passions), yoga (connecting people with paramatma (God), tapas (suffering endurance training), and samadhi (single entity to the Lord / Ida Sang Hyang Widhi), which aims born inner purity).

All of it becomes imperative for Hindus, so that will have inner readiness to face any challenge life in the new year. The habit of celebrating Hari Raya with the spree, gambling, drinking habits is something wrong and should be changed.

3. Ngembak Geni (Ngembak Fire)

Last of the celebration of Nyepi is a day that Ngembak Geni date falls on a ping linings (1) Sasih kedasa (X). On the day This is the new year begins Caka. Hindus bersilahturahmi with large families and neighbors, I'm sorry forgive each other (ksama), one another.

With the new atmosphere, new life will begin with a clean white hearts. So if the year ends each BC December 31, and the new year begins January 1st, the year ended panglong Caka limolas ping (15) Sasih kedasa (X), and the new year began on 1 Sasih kedasa (X).

Monday, September 14, 2009

The First Experience in Bali

Bali - Experience has handpicked the best of the Island, providing many exclusive high end experiences. In 1998 BE pioneered one of the very first websites in Bali managing private luxury villa rentals.

Elegant weddings, team building corporate events, private luxe holiday itineraries where first class service is the norm rather than the exception! Dine at the finest restaurants, shop at the chicest shops, be guided to Bali’s best kept secrets.
Enjoy the Best of Both Worlds at West Bali’s First Luxury Boutique Resort

12 July 2009, Bali - Opening in late 2009, Alila Villas Soori will give the sophisticated traveler the option to stay at a luxury resort in West Bali. Located along the southwest coast of Bali in the Tabanan Regency, the stunning resort is just 10 minutes from the Tanah Lot Temple, Bali’s most sacred and most visited temple, and less than an hour from Ngurah Rai International Airport. Set in one of Bali’s most fertile and picturesque regions, Alila Villas Soori gracefully lies between beautiful black-sand beaches and verdant rice terraces with the mystical Mount Batukaru in the distant horizon.

Designed by Singapore-based SCDA Architects, renowned internationally for its highly original concepts, Alila Villas Soori is an inspired expression of contemporary Asian architecture that blends seamlessly with the lush tropical beachfront setting. The resort features 15 Beach Pool Villas, 15 Ocean Pool Villas, eight Terrace Pool Villas, eight Three-Bedroom Pool Villas, one Four-Bedroom Pool Villa and one Ten-Bedroom Pool Villa.

Every one of its 48 luxurious pool villas connect living spaces to the soothing sights and sounds of the natural surrounds of the West Bali landscape, creating retreats and stay experiences beyond compare. Each villa provides panoramic views of the azure Indian Ocean or emerald stretches of rice fields and comes with a vast open-air inner courtyard that lets in natural light and light ocean breezes, an outdoor pavilion from which to enjoy the scenic views by day or night, and indoor and outdoor showers. The comforts within the villas are no less inviting. Custom designed interiors offer the absolute height in luxury and hi-tech functionality.

The exclusive Three-Bedroom Pool Villas offer contemporary living at its finest, subtly infused with the essence of the tropics. Exceedingly well designed, each is an exquisite example of space and privacy in perfect harmony. Conventional boundaries cease to exist as you move with ease between generous-sized living areas that seamlessly flow from one to the next, creating spaces for intimacy and entertaining. Landscaped gardens and architectural ponds blossom within living spaces that open onto outdoor pavilions and terraces, bordered by an infinity pool framed by panoramic ocean views.

As with all Alila Villas properties, Alila Villas Soori is designed, constructed and managed in accordance with Green Globe’s rigorous benchmarks for environmental sensitivity. This is in line with Alila’s own long-standing philosophy of luxury living in natural environments while treading lightly to preserve the essence and splendor of the destination. Sensitive site planning, the use of local building materials and native landscaping ensures that the property delicately integrates into the environment.

Heightening the luxury living experience, in-villa hospitalities and facilities include butler service, 24-hour dedicated room service, gourmet bar, plasma TV, DVD player and iPods. Guests can indulge in the all natural spa treatments at Spa Alila, a secluded sanctuary located below the reflective pond at the reception level. Alila Villas Soori’s leisure concierge can also expertly tailor one-of-a-kind excursions and activities to meet guests’ personal interests.

Five kilometers east of Tabanan, in the Abiantuwung village, is a renowned dance school where both locals and holidaymakers can take classes. The Royal Stable is also situated by the Kelating Beach in Kerambitan, Tabanan. A noble family offers horseback programs with their well-maintained and trained domestic and Australian horses.

Alila Villas Soori combines stunning contemporary design, blissful comforts and Bali’s stunning landscape to offer guests the best of both worlds – the spirituality and beauty of Bali as well as all the comforts guests can expect in a luxury all- villa property.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How To detect a broken motherboard and how to fix it

Please read carefully for understanding what the meaning below! ^_^

Main board (motherboard) is the circuit board where a variety of connected electronic components such as microprocessors and memory (RAM, ROM, BIOS) and other controller chips and commonly abbreviated with the motherboard.
Okay Jump aza ya! symptoms and how to overcome a broken motherboard:
Dead Total
Check the power supply: In a state in the power cable from the power supply off, disconnect the cable socket mounted on Atx1 Mainboard. Once separated, attach the power cable back, connect / cable shortkan green, black cables, check that the power supply fan spinning? If the spin is a good power supply. Back off the power cord and plug it in again this Atx1 cable to the motherboard.
Check the Clear CMOS Jumper, whether in position or Free Clear, usually when a new motherboard, CMOS jumper position on Clear position.
Check IC chipset in connected and in the Switch On, whether or not excessive heat, over-heat means the chipset is already damaged. CMOS ICs for parts so far are not sold freely.
Also check whether the switch on its functioning.
Motherboard dismantle it carefully, you try to wear clean thinners, if you can not use thinners bottle is in the can. After you dry clean.
Replace IC regulator which is located around the ATX power socket on the motherboard.
Replace the capacity Elko 1000 s / d 3300 uf / 10 Volt, located around the ATX power socket on the motherboard. Be careful to make sure the dismantled components plug the power cable not connected to electricity.
Flame But Not Shown
Try to look and listen if there is sound or beep sound. If there is, there is usually damage the processor, memory and VGA.
Check Processor, you try to hold the refrigeration if excess heat or cold? If it means overheating the processor fan is not working properly then you will change, but if the cold means the processor does not work aka damaged.
Check memory, if memory is usually broken voice on the speaker beep 3 times. Dead, pull the pin clean memory using a pencil eraser to clean, and then plug it in again. If it means there's still broken one of his damaged IC.
Check VGA Card, VGA Card pull, in a state of dead / off try you press, there is less chance your entry or try to wash the feet / her pin. If the VGA card using the fan, clean the fan.
If it still does not appear you are trying to check maybe the monitor is not a flame, to make sure that broken monitor or CPU, you try to press keys on the keyboard NumLock, whether it NumLock light a flame or not. If the flame is damage to the CPU.
Which became the standard when repairing my computer, I always clean out the dust, whether it's motherboard, memory, cdrom, floppy disks, etc., because it is so what else could affect the computer in a dirty / old is not cleaned. But you must be careful in the process and do not rush.

Hang And Often Off / Restart (Reset) Alone
Check the Power Supply, try another power supply is still restart itself or hang. If the power supply was replaced by normal / good, power supply means there is a problem. Replace it if it can be fixed because I myself was not sure if it was still able to function properly, because the power supply is a vital component. Especially for the current price sanggat cheap power supply, I suggest changing it.
Check if there is virus, anti-virus program should always be installed and enable its auto protect. I used to use Norton Anti virus. You should frequently update your antivirus because if there is a new variant virus, anti-virus and you will eliminate the virus mendetect.
At the moment there hangs and blue screen messages like "vxd error at address ...", there is usually a problem in memory. Clean memory is like a step above.
Try to reinstall Windows.
If it still hangs / restarts itself trying to check on your motherboard, you will notice the physical changes, especially components Elko / capacitor, a black round no writing in capacity between 1000 uf/10Volt s / d 3300 uf/10 volts, usually seen, if the damaged looks bloated / swollen and leak or rust.
CMOS Checksum Failure (Low Battery)
Symptoms of damage & Solutions:
CMOS failure message appears (The damage to the CMOS battery, replace battery)
Setting the date, time and other configurations in the BIOS to change (When the battery is replaced, re-do the settings in the BIOS).
Thanks for reading and visit my site!!! i hope this will be help someone , if there is something problem, thanks

regards : I made Ananda Yoga.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Balinese Songs

This below is an example of balinese Songs
1.Curik curik semental alang alang boko-boko tiang meli pohe, aji satak aji satus keteng, mare bakat anak bagus peceng enjak-enjok
that's an example of balinese sing....when the word is simple and short.... the present is Curik-curik Songs...., usually for Child.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sanur Village Festival at 12 - 16 August 2009

Sanur as the primary tourist destination in Bali has to maintain its position as a safe and comfortable place for tourism which is insight to the root of community life style, art and culture. Sanur Village Festival is established by Yayasan Pembangunan Sanur or “Sanur Development Foundation” to enrich the tourist attractions offered in Sanur and to increase the number of visitors to Bali, and Denpasar City, particularly.
The festival was firstly established in 2006, and since the first celebration, the event has been listed at Bali’s event calendar as one of the annual tourist attractions. The fourth Sanur Village Festival is set for the August, 12 to 16, 2009 and will be full of fun. This year theme is “Marine Life” in line with the extension of our national program Visit Indonesia Year, embracing many fun activities, such as:

 Sanur Golf Tournament
 Bazaar and Food Festival
 Mass Yoga
 Kite Festival
 Jazz Festival
 Underwater Festival/Coral Plantation
 Soccer, Basketball, Rugby
 International Cartoon Exhibition
 Water Sport Competition
 Cultural Parade
 City Fun Bike
 Photograph Exhibition
 ICA Culinary Competition
 Arts Exhibition
 Bonzai Contest and Exhibition
 Fashion Show and Live Music
and many more...... so coming to sanur!!! bali.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Bali Hotels / Indonesia Acommodation

Browse our extensive information about the accommodation hotels recommended in Bali Island and Indonesia.

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It directly address 'most travelers' requests, as well as providing an easy option for personal assistance by our staff for any special needs you may have. Before, during and after your holidays, please feel free to contact us whenever you need our assistance. For those who not yet familiar with our complete services, click FAQ to Browse our " Hotel Special Rates" for our unbeatable rates - without losing any of the regular services of your hotel / villa.

So, what are you waiting for? Now you can just relax and enjoy your holiday planning. Book your wishes with us and let us do the rest for you, and take a step into your next most unforgettable holiday.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bali International School

The Located on the Bali Island, Bali International School is the oldest and most prestigious international school in Bali.

Bali International School provides educational excellence in a supportive, secure environment, preparing our students to thrive and succeed as responsible citizens in a changing world. It was established in 1986, is co-educational, private, and nonprofit; serving students Pre School to Grade 12.

Bali International School offers the three IB Programs (PYP, MYP and DP) and is accredited by WASC. Students at Bali International School have the opportunity to participate in a comprehensive after-school activities program organized by staff, parents and other community organizations.
The faculty of the school consists of professionally qualified teachers and a group of dedicated support staff who helps to make the entire Bali International School operation run smoothly.The school is run by an Administrative Team, comprising School Principal, Assistant Principal, IB programme Coordinators and Curriculum Coordinator.I hope you will take the time to browse through our website and not hesitate to contact us with questions you may have regarding the school.

Bali International School

More Schools in Bali

Jl. Danau Buyan 4

Tel: (0361) 288770
Email: info (at) baliis.net
Web: www.baliinternationalschool.com

We have had a few emails requesting information from expats and families looking to live in Bali and bringing their children with them. As a type of FAQ you can also find a compiled list of schools in Bali, Indonesia by visiting “Schools In Bali“.

Please note: Children Of Bali have NO affiliation with this school and does not donate to, or sponsor any children in this school.

This is for informational purposes only, Children Of Bali take no responsibility for the accuracy of this information. We advise you to carry out your own research to verify their contact details and authenticity. If you want to know more about Bali try visiting “I Don’t Know Where Bali Is“.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Akina Spa Bali ( start 42 USD )

Massage is thought to be the oldest form of medical therapy practiced on the human body. The different types of massage and the various techniques that encompass them stem from our most celebrated civilizations and their traditional beliefs, ancient Greek and Rome, ancient India and China.

Massage is still used today for treating a wide range of ages from babies to seniors - in a variety of intensive care, health club, and health clinic and hospital settings. To this day, massage is still used to treat various conditions such as premature birth, various types of cancer, AIDS, osteoarthritis, lumbar back pain, nerve damage, fibromyalgia, paralysis, heart attack, and stroke. You’re almost certain to find a popular style that suits your body perfectly!

- Transfer from/to hotel.
- 90 minutes Bali Sunny Dream Massage.

- Personal expenses such as drinks, tips, insurance etc.
- Other service not mentioned on this program.

- Child rates applied for Children between 2 and 12 years old.

Bali Discovery Tour

Kehen Temple, just north of the town of Bangli, is one of the largest temples in Bali, and a stirring example of the virtuosity of the stone-carvers of the region. It was founded in the 11th centuries by Cri Brahma Kenuti Ketu. Pura kehen has three courtyards, each entered through a towering, carved gateway. The second courtyard is a venerable Banyan tree.

Continue to, Besakih temple or “mother temple” the largest and holiest temple in Bali, is over 900 metres up the slopes of Gunung Agung. It has been regarded as a holy place since pre-historic times in Bali. The first recorded mention of its existence is from an inscription that dates from 1007 A.D. Since the Gelgel dynasty of the fifteenth century it has been regarded as a central, holy temple for the entire island.

Ride to the east coast, Patung; from here, you will be able to take a view around to see the scenery of terraced rice fields. From this high place, we will also be able to view the blue sea with fishermen ships catching fish. The beauty of Putung became famous through paintings of an Italian painter who lived in this area for a long time and married a local woman from Manggis village.

Balinese music is based around an instrument known as the gamelan. The gamelan is such a central part of Balinese music that the whole 'orchestra' is also referred to as a gamelan. Gamelan music is almost completely percussion. Though it sounds strange at first with its noisy, jangly percussion it's exciting and enjoyable.

- Air conditioned vehicle with English-speaking guide.
- Admission fee as mentioned on this program.
- Transfer from/to hotel.
- Lunch.

- Personal expenses such as drinks, tips, insurance etc.
- Other service not mentioned on this program.

- Child rates applied for Children between 2 and 12 years old.

Monkey Forest Ubud Bali

In Bali The Ubud Monkey Forest is a natural forest reserve popular with both locals and tourists. Inhabited by wild monkeys (don't even think about petting them) but tame enough to steal your bananas, handbags, toupes, etc., These mischievous monkeys provide lots of entertainment in their own habitat. Pleasantly laid out along two roads its smaller than the Sangeh Monkey Forest, with interesting meandering paths leading to charming bathing temple surrounded by lush remnants of dipterocarp forest.

Just off the main square is a lovely arched stone bridge leading to the forest's most alluring feature - the Hindu elephant-headed Lord Ganesh sitting comfortably overlooking a small, square, moss-covered pool where several Koi swim at his feet.

Hu'u Bar in Bali

Along way on the street of Petitenget, Kuta, trying to find a place to chill out in the storm or just to hang out with some colleagues, don’t sleep your eyes and find this corner of place. Have you visit Hu’u Bar and Restaurant at Petitenget, Kuta?, if you don’t, please do so. Hu’u Bar gate whisper a mystic word for you to look and join its ambience. An whispering classy bar, restaurant, and swimming pool at one stop hang out is leisure sound for your earring catalogue. Step inside this getaway of pleasure dream and you will offer to some enjoyable atmosphere of eats and music. Atmosphere of fresh water could also better choice to chill out your evening with a reflection of thousands candles and lights. Whisper wind is blows to continuing announce of Al-fresco dining theme at Hu’u Bar and Restaurant, just grab this menus while thousands music accompanying your appetite trip far away abroad. East or West or mixed style of your night party at Hu’u Bar and Restaurant will always be memorable to take away to your sweet home lullaby. Visit this corner and feel pretty chain of Bar and Restaurant for one stop party all nights long.

Rosemary at Bedugul Valley (Bali)

A perfect creatures on the planet earth is all best known as a human, perfectly human is created along with complete senses which start from eye, noose, ear and skin. These five sense has their own duty to protect their own master, human on this case, and will bring their master became superior among other creatures. Senses could be related with health and beauty, skin for example, is one of those senses that sensitive to any kind of touch action. Skin is coverage a human body almost 100%, maybe this is the main reason that since an ancient time a human always innovated to protect age of their skin. Now the skin predator which dangerously damage skin and causing death is mosquito, but this article will not mentioned further about mosquito, we will see about “Rosemary” and what contribution will it bring to save our skin.

Rosemary came from a Latin name; more about “dew from the sea” is its meaning. Just like other herbs and bushes, rosemary has a permanently stem with green needle leaves, and these leaves will contain a colored flower when its time to appear. Most of rosemary species are growth at Mediterranean region, of course will perfectly interact with Mediterranean climate, where open sunny area is a must for rosemary plant, soil with good drainage is best for rosemary cultivation and most founded in the soil near by the sea. Rosemary is easily cultivated through all the season and adaptable as perennial herb, but some varieties is avoid cold season. In Bali, we could also found rosemary plant being sold at Bedugul valley, means that rosemary also could be cultivated in tropical climate.

Rosemary is a member of Lamiaceae family or called mint herb family, as a member of these Lamiaceae, rosemary contain of several acid which contribute in culinary and medical uses. In suggested doses, rosemary compound will fit to human metabolism and safely use as ingredient in most Mediterranean culinary. Medical doses will suggest as antioxidant, acidic compound is believed could protect human brain from stroke and neuron diseases, this is also the reason of using small amount of rosemary dried leaves mixed with other herbs in making an herbal tea. Having an astringent taste and strong scent like Cajuputi leaves, causes a toxic impact in large amount of uses, several research found that large amount of rosemary oil may cause a coma, vomiting or respiratory diseases, and not allowed for pregnant or breastfeeding woman consumption. This bad reaction of body system caused of large amount uses is what we are discussing at first paragraph of this article. The effect of brain attack in a mosquito’s neuron system when they adsorb large amount of rosemary plant scent will bring us to protect our skin from mosquito bites, therefore people sometimes use rosemary plant applied into a skin as mosquito repelled. From all skin protected which is always innovated, what could be wrong if we use a green botanical plantation.

Rosemary is a simple plant for beginner gardener to start to know how reflected beauty of green botanical to a shape of useful human body protection. So when you plan to have a small garden, don’t forget to browse a story behind the seeds on your hands.

The Healthy Food good as protein for weight loss

This is wich one food ,where is good for the healthy,in this food as many protein: whether weight-loss diets are more effective if they emphasise protein or if they go heavy on the fats or carbohydrates.

Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, it is a large (811 participants) prospective and randomised trial, hitting most of the hot buttons for quality and reliability in medical research. Overweight adults were assigned to one of four diets, equal in energy content but differing in proportions of macronutrients, which they were to follow for two years. All were offered an exercise program and counselling in addition.

Eighty per cent of people stuck with the program, and they lost an average four kilos regardless of which diet they followed.

At the Boston Globe, Elizabeth Cooney does a nice job of describing the methodology of the Harvard School of Public Health study that gave rise to the flurry of reporting. But she does not go far beyond the confines of the research itself to seek comment, including only a press release statement from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, which funded the study.

Time’s Tiffany Sharples has scored a lively interview with co-author Catherine Loria and lead author Frank Sacks, who told her such gems as: “We have a really simple and practical message for people: it’s not so much the type of diet you eat. It’s how much you put in your mouth.”

Bali tropical climate

The Next a two weeks or so a warm wind of news will blow from Bali, Indonesia, where today the gavel banged and the UN and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change began seeking an agreeable compact to replace the Kyoto Protocol. Tomorrow, this site will rummage through first-day reports from Bali’s crowded meeting halls.

For now, and most fittingly, comes relevant news that the very tropics that include Bali are definitively expanding - by a few hundred miles of latitude. So if you’re a reporter who couldn’t get to Bali to cover the story, perhaps a whiff of its ambience is coming to you.

Media attention is on data in the new journal Nature Geoscience, gathered together by a meteorological scientist at the US’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. A key aspect is that as the mostly-moist tropics expand, they push the drier subtropics poleward too. Could be a press release out there, but The Tracker couldn’t find it and has to move on (after spending a long time trying to figure out what should be simple - conversion of an image from a pdf into a file that my picture manager can manipulate for uploading here.)

Much of the story’s circulation, including use of the term Hadley circulation, comes off Seth Borenstein’s account in the AP. He provides a muscular, understated recitation of the report’s conclusions without much embroidery and with explanation that the trend has also been apparent in other recent studies. The extent of the expansion is somewhat of a surprise to researchers, he writes in the eighth graf — an aspect that would seem to belong in or near the lede (and which, in other accounts, is). While global warming is the presumed, prime suspect, he writes, oscillations in El Nino intensities and ozone layer depletion are on the list, too.

Drama Comedy Bali "Cupak Grantang"

Bali the island which rich of traditional art and spread to all the corner of the island has they own characteristic and related to the religious ceremonies but some of them function as an art to entertainment. Drama gong is one of the traditional Balinese arts which function as art to entertain the audios. Drama gong is traditional Balinese drama classic which playing by some arteries, commonly take a story of a traditional Balinese kingdom, mites and legend and had a musical Balinese instrument Gamblelan.

Drama gong on 80 era has it gloried, on that time it as popular as Balinese drama entertainment which take a first places from other Balinese drama like Arja, Gambuh, Sendratari and other. On that time there are many drama gong actress are know well by the Balinese people because it ability to entertain and play its own character on the drama. But step by step drama gong is start to losing it popularity which caused by television with many interesting channel.