Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Universal Bali culture

The cultural values of universal Bali in relation to the pattern of Scientific Culture as Patterns Main Main Scientific Udayana University is reasonable, because the island of Bali has been recognized by the world community as one of the best tourist destination. Introduced and dikajinya cultural values seems the universal Bali akan can give the man in the establishment of academic scientists who are berbudaya and cultural scientists. Cultural values is the influence of the Hindu Religion Balinese culture. This is in line with the discourse Religion Hindu Balinese culture as the soul.

Relationship with the island of Bali the outside world is not a new thing. About Bali relations with the outside world, particularly with India, Prof.. Dr. I Wayan Ardika, MA (1997:62) states that the relationship has been known since prehistoric era, ie, with the finding that fragment gerabah India may come from the early centuries BC, or about 2000 years ago.

News from the nation's oldest foreign other comes from the Chinese. In the book of history Kuna T'ang Dynasty (197 books, 2b, 618-908 BC), mentioned that among other Ho-ling in the archipelago located in the south seas. In the timurnya located P'o-li, which according to Pelliot P'o-li is the island of Bali and on the western side is po-To-lantern, on the north side of the Chen-la (Cambodia) and in the southern ocean. In the history of New T'ang Dynasty (book 222.2, 3b) mentioned that the Ho-ling

She also called p'o-and-lying to the south. In the timurnya P'o-li (Bali), in the western p'o-To-teng (Sumatra). In the southern oceans, while in the north Chen-la (Cambodia) P'o trip to Canton-li's lead time is approximately two months. In the book of Chu-fan-chih-tan part Suchi, Bali is called by the name Ma-li (Sartono, 1976:133-134).

Similarly, the description of the glory of Mount Agung, in Bali which is also called to Langkir (which are high) or in a language called Sanskrit Udaya Parvata (high mountain) is believed as part of the Mountain Mahameru (which in the days of old also called Úiúira Parvata). Udaya Parvata name has been disclosed in the susastra Sanskrit Ràmàyaóa, in part Kiûkióðha Kàóða, masterwork àdikavi Mahàrûi Vàlmìki, as the god sthana (Misra, 1989: VI). Relations between India with Bali also disclosed by Sarkar (Phalgunadi, 1991:33) termuat in the book Båhatsaýhità and Kathàsaritsàgara prove that there has been contact between Bali with India in the field of trade and religion. The two books mentioned above as the name Bali Nàrikeladvìpa. According Damais is Bhùmi Nàrikela island of Bali is the anggapannya can be evidenced from a number of the inscription found on the island. Many of the inscription Bali as the island of Bali. Inscription Poh (year 905 BC) said "vanua ri rùmakûan rio NYU" which means island of coconut. According to Weber (1974:202, 213) Båhatsaýhità written by Varamihira in the century-or 5-to 6-Christian and Kathàsaritsàgara written by Somadeva on the 11-th century BC.

Can not be avoided that the influence of Hindu Religion and Indian culture in Bali such magnitude, this is evidenced from the various ancient heritage as expressed by Swellengrebel (1960:17), namely: the main source is the inscription-inscription issued by the kings of the many good written on the stone and metal (copper). Inscription, the inscription was told the king that rule and the menterinya, relationship with the administration of the central government and the people in the villages, in the field of religious rules, rules relating to irrigation, taxation, and so forth. Other source is the ancient monument, statue, sculpture and artifak-artifak. Based on the above expression Swellengrebel the religious life can be examined through the sources mentioned above. In addition, the sources of the text form of the various manuscripts (Lontar) that quite a number. Values or teachings of the Hindu Religion is written in terekspresi paradigm, individual and social behavior, and also in the form of a material such as party-building with a temple sacred in it, the layout of the house, the village pakraman and so forth.

In addition to the cultural value of Bali comes to the teachings of the Hindu Religion, also caused by the crystallization of values that have been there before, or also because of the influence of globalization, it's going values of global culture.
108 Butir Value Bali Culture

As mentioned above, the values or teachings of religion and become Hindus terekspresi cultural values Bali. According to the organizers hope this workshop, a few grains diketengahkan Bali cultural values as follows:

* Papers presented in the framework of "National Seminar on Religious Education Multicultural Hindu conception" held by the Master of Studies (S.2) Hindu Religion Science Education, Graduate Institute of Hindu Dharma, Denpasar, on 17 December 2005 at the Auditorium of Institute of Hindu Dharma, Denpasar, Jalan Ratna-Tatasan Denpasar, Bali

Ph.D. ** in Vedic Department, Gurukula Kangri University, Haridwar, Utarañcala, India (1993). Perwira Former TNI-AD (1978-1985) Director of Hindu Religious Affairs, Directorate General Bimas Hindu and Buddhist, Dep.Agama RI (2002-2004), former Chairman of the School of Religion Hindu Denpasar, (2000-2002) and also Chairman of Daily Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia Pusat (2001-2005), now the head Lektor (IVc) and Dean of Faculty of Brahma Widya, Institut Hindu Dharma Denpasar Affairs.

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