Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bali Kerthagosa Restoration

May 30th, 2009, the Embassy of Italy – with the support of the Bupati of Klungkung, the Italian Institute of Culture, the Bali Purnati Foundation and other Institutions and individuals concerned with the enhancement of the cultural relations between Indonesia and Italy – intends to hold a multi-media event and the launch of a cooperation of restoration in the Kerta Ghosa complex in Klungkung, which was the capital of the Balinese Regency during the Majapahit period, focusing on the ancient Court of Justice, as well as the refurbishment of the Museum wing hosting the works of the “Italo-Balinese” artist Emilio Ambron.

The initiative, which stems from a “Sisterhood” Pact established over a decade ago between the art city of Firenze and Klungkung, which will also take place in the context of the celebration of the Italian National Day, is articulated in a ceremony in the formal part inside the Kerta Ghosa compound foreseeing a traditional Balinese dance prior to the formalization of the restoration work that will be realized by the Kamasan artists, direct descendants of the painters who worked on the original ceilings, under Master Nyoman Mandra, with the cultural supervision from both Bali Purnati Foundation and Mrs. Idanna Pucci, who is a long time scholar of Balinese culture and of cross cultural heritage. The ceremony will be followed by “Horizon of Events”, a multimedia music and visual performance by “Sincronie” from Italy, focused on the International Year of Astronomy 2009 to be held in the adjacent space, the Bale Budaya. The celebrations will be concluded by a Wayang performance.
The event, which will be open to the Italian Community as well as Balinese authorities and citizens of Klungkung, will be filmed by Director Garin Nugroho, whose film Opera Jawa was presented at the Venice and London Festival and is widely recognized as a landmark of 21st century cinema. It will be shown in New York at the Licoln Center on August 15, 2009.
The Embassy of Italy, which is at the forefront of the dialogue between the two Countries and the two cultures (as testified by the Meeting of last March 4th in Roma with the attendance of the Indonesian Foreign Minister and all the relevant religious leaders and scholars from Indonesia), is confident of the appreciation that the Indonesian Authorities and public will give to the initiative.

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